author: kyle thieringer
science accessibility is important to me. I want to experiment with this platform as a means of scientific communication and transparency.
as a developing scientist, I am continually witnessing how academia is built on capitalism. knowledge is capital. my goal for this space is to abolish the boundaries between the elite academy and everyday people. through sharing my knowledge here, it becomes social capital, and that’s when it gains power.
mimir is my personal wiki. By publishing these notes, I hope that my thoughts transmute to knowledge with lore drops. I cant really predict what might be useful to others, so Im just dumping what has been useful to me (for example ⨳ how to). Plus, it’s so much easier to share a website link to notes rather than exporting from obsidian.
if you have thoughts about anything I’ve written or not written let me know!
navigating this space
links to other notes are bolded and will show a page preview when you hover over them with the mouse — like this link to the how to page — click on them to go to those notes!
next up
- add more context to this homepage
- update § so you want to be a drosopholist
- update grad school notes
- update connectomics notes
i will not be publishing data, results, or my lab notebook for my current thesis work. However, I want to share as much of what im learning as possible.