note is work in progress

pC1 neurons seem to be implicated in a lot of social behaviors in both males and females.

in males, pC1 neurons are responsible for driving persistent courtship internal state. P1 activation has been used as a way to drive courtship behaviors including singing, tapping, pursuit, abdominal vibrations, waggling, etc. there has been continued work to start teasing apart the different subpopulations of pC1 neurons, including:
- P1 neurons (and further into P1a)
- singing
- arousal state
- aggression
- waggling
- pC1x neurons - antagonistic song

in females, pC1 neurons also drive arousal state

🥚🌱 | § waggling



Deutsch, D., Pacheco, D., Encarnacion-Rivera, L., Pereira, T., Fathy, R., Clemens, J., Girardin, C., Calhoun, A., Ireland, E., Burke, A., Dorkenwald, S., McKellar, C., Macrina, T., Lu, R., Lee, K., Kemnitz, N., Ih, D., Castro, M., Halageri, A., … Murthy, M. (2020). The neural basis for a persistent internal state in Drosophila females. eLife, 9, e59502.

Hoopfer, E. D., Jung, Y., Inagaki, H. K., Rubin, G. M., & Anderson, D. J. (2015). P1 interneurons promote a persistent internal state that enhances inter-male aggression in Drosophila. eLife, 4, e11346.