modular notes are written to be developed and revisited overtime. they should be about one concept only. they should be small in scope, they are not meant to synthesize many ideas, just one nugget of information. their titles should convey the main idea in a concise manner that could easily be dropped into long form writing — consider subject verb agreement, use positive rather than negative verb choice, avoid filler words, etc. its important to add your own voice to these notes. reflect on the data, ask questions to come back to later, whatever is useful.

knowledge will accrete. with time, all of the effort put into these notes will pay dividends when writing in the future. you can start to accumulate related modular notes into a new “hub like” note. this is the building block of how modular notes grow into something useful!

I am still actively trying to refine this exercise in my own notes… it takes practice and labor!

heres an example of a decent modular note… I think?
entropy reduction in low dimensional map reveals stereotyped behaviors

🐛🌱 | take meaningful notes


many gratitudes to sama for guidance and classmates for feedback on my notes
evergreen notes has some great info and motivates much of this framework