1. connect to tigressgateway
$ ssh kt1303@tigressgateway.princeton.edu
  1. connect to spock
[kt1303@tigressgateway1 ~]$ ssh kt1303@spock.princeton.edu
  1. change directory to folder with code
[kt1303@spock-login ~]$ cd /jukebox/murthy/Kyle/code
  1. edit the jupyter_spock.sh file to specify the requested time and resources
[kt1303@spock-login code]$ nano jupyter_spock.sh

here is the jupyter_spock.sh file contents:

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=4G
#SBATCH --time=02:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=jupyter-notebook
# get tunneling info
node=$(hostname -s)
# print tunneling instructions jupyter-log
echo -e "
Command to create ssh tunnel:
ssh -N -f -L ${port}:${node}:${port} ${user}@${cluster}.princeton.edu
Use a Browser on your local machine to go to:
localhost:${port}  (prefix w/ https:// if using password)
# load modules or conda environments here
module load anacondapy/2023.03
conda activate waggle
# Run Jupyter
jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=${port} --ip=${node}
  1. remove old slurm logs (just to make it easier to find current job)
[kt1303@spock-login code]$ ls
[kt1303@spock-login code]$ rm slurm-xxxxxx.out
  1. submit the compute request
[kt1303@spock-login code]$ sbatch jupyter_spock.sh
  1. open the log and copy the command to create the ssh tunnel on local machine
[kt1303@spock-login code]$ cat slurm-xxxxxx.out

on local machine copy and paste the line that looks like this:

ssh -N -f -L 8889:spock7-c2-4:8889 kt1303@spock.princeton.edu

will need to connect to vpn… (todo figure out way around this)

~ $ ssh -N -f -L 8889:spock7-c2-4:8889 kt1303@spock.princeton.edu
  1. then scroll down to the server link that looks something like this:
  1. copy paste that into browser and begin working

  2. kill the ssh tunnel on local machine

~ $ lsof -i 8889

this returns an id number for the tunnel

~ $ kill -9 xxxxx 

🐛 | ⨳ how to


princeton computing guide