Highly efficient optogenetic cell ablation in C. elegans using membrane-targeted miniSOG

authors: Suhong Xu, Andrew D. Chisholm
doi: 10.1038/srep21271


Xu, S., & Chisholm, A. D. (2016). Highly efficient optogenetic cell ablation in C. elegans using membrane-targeted miniSOG. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 21271. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep21271


The genetically encoded photosensitizer miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator) can be used to kill cells in C. elegans. miniSOG generates the reactive oxygen species (ROS) singlet oxygen after illumination with blue light. Illumination of neurons expressing miniSOG targeted to the outer mitochondrial membrane (mito-miniSOG) causes neuronal death. To enhance miniSOG’s efficiency as an ablation tool in multiple cell types we tested alternative targeting signals. We find that membrane targeted miniSOG allows highly efficient cell killing. When combined with a point mutation that increases miniSOG’s ROS generation, membrane targeted miniSOG can ablate neurons in less than one tenth the time of mito-miniSOG. We extend the miniSOG ablation technique to non-neuronal tissues, revealing an essential role for the epidermis in locomotion. These improvements expand the utility and throughput of optogenetic cell ablation in C. elegans.

fleeting notes


  • used to kill cells in c elegans

PH-miniSOG optogenetically ablates cells

Methods used:

  • 2Hz illumination was most effective (.25s on .25s off)

  • ~2mW/mm2


After 1 min continuous blue light illumination, 80% of Pcol-19-PH-miniSOG transgenic animals were paralyzedPage 2

found 2 Hz (0.25 sec on and 0.25 sec off) to be most effective in paralyzing epidermal PH-miniSOG transgenic animals (Figure S1e). Unless stated, in subsequent experiments we use 2 Hz illumination.Page 2

2 min blue light was required to paralyze 50% of animals expressing PH-miniSOG at comparable levelsPage 2

2 h after illumination, 100% of PH-miniSOG animals were paralyzedPage 2

and eventually died (defined as nonresponsive to touch) within the next 4–6 hPage 2

hereas PH-miniSOG has stronger acute effects.Page 2

2.01 mW/mm2Page 11
