the idea that knowledge must be made public resurfaces throughout many academic spaces. the majority of how scientists convey their discoveries are through publishing academic articles through journals or on open access preprint sites like biorxiv (most academic journals are problematic).

knowledge should accrete (because academia is opaque)

however, academic papers are not always the correct format to distribute ideas. mimir is my chosen format for my lore drops.

regardless of the medium, as academics we have an obligation to share our findings:


“New knowledge is not science until it is made social” (pg 210) Naturalist, Wilson


“…observations held privately by small groups of specialists, no matter how remarkable, are not really scientific knowledge” (pg xii) The brain from inside out, Buzsaki


“Il y a longtems que je répète à mes élèves qu’on n’a pas encore le dernier mot de la science sur une théorie, tout aussi longtems qu’on ne l’a pas amenée au point de la racconter à un passant, dans la rue.” - Joseph Diez Gergonne, 1825

my poor translation skills :
“for a long time I told my students that one does not have the the last word of science on a theory, just as long as one cannot bring the point to a passerby on the street”



Wilson, E. O. (1994). Naturalist. Island Press [u.a.].

Buzsáki, G. (2019). The brain from inside out. Oxford University Press.

Barrow-Green, J., & Siegmund-Schultze, R. (2016). “The first man on the street”—Tracing a famous Hilbert quote (1900) back to Gergonne (1825). Historia Mathematica, 43(4), 415–426.