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    • Development and transcriptional logic drives sexual dimorphism of the nervous system
    • Aaron Allen (Stephen Goodwin Lab)
    • created sexed single cell transcriptomic atlas
    • compared the brains and found unsurprisingly that dsx and fru where the biggest differences between sexes
    • combined many datasets from many labs to do a dsx meta analysis
      • clustered the data and there were 6 clusters that came out which corresponded to
        • aDN, pCd1, pCd2, pC1, pC2m,l
      • looked at which genes were most expressed in each of these clusters and there was one peak for each cluster for a specific protein
      • then they did intersections of dsx and the gene and they got super specific and clean lines labeling all of the neurons in the specific subtype
      • tried the same approach with fru but it was much messier because its more broadly expressed??
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    • A thermometer circuit for hot temperature adjusts Drosophila behavior to persistent heat
    • Michael Alpert (Marco Gallio Lab)
    • preprint and nature comms paper out in next week or so
    • thermosensory ON responses predict imminent threat
    • TPN III detects the ON response or the change in temperature (hot or cold)
    • downstream of this neuron is a TLHON which primes fly behavior and leads to early turns
      • TLHON tracks the rate of change of temperature
    • used a 2 choice task and looked at the boundary of the cells
      • flies learn over time to turn earlier and earlier away from heat
      • silencing TLHONs gets rid of this early turning effect
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    • Investigating the control of small error corrections during Drosophila pursuit behavior
    • Mathew Colli (Rachel Wilson Lab)
    • AOTU 19 recruited through errors to stabilize turning
      • recruited during pursuit
    • P1 stim enhances activity
    • inhibition of AOTU19 can cause turning
    • does moment to moment steering corrections
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    • Morphological adaptations to excess activity in single Drosophila Kenyon cells
    • Tom Cozens
    • hyperactivity reduces claw numbers in Kenyon cells
    • used MARCM to sparsely label KCs (randomly labels and hope to get just one cell alone)
    • expressed TrpA1 in single KCs to make them hyperactive for a period of time
    • only looking at morphological changes and saw a decrease in the dendritic claws
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    • Persistent activation of dopaminergic neurons and its impact on behavior and neural circuitry in Drosophila Larvae
    • Stephanie Dancausse
    • Nicotine decreases turning in larvae
    • long term recording set up looks very cool but the data collected was all very prelim
    • presenter wasnt at poster so couldnt ask questions
    • didnt see link to dopamine in any of the data
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    • Dissecting social memory circuits in fruit flies
    • Gulhamay Gardashova
    • Dopamine neurons store social context for days
    • isolated animals track better than group housed animals
    • hypothesized that the neuron that stores the social memory would accumulate activity over long periods of time and store it for long periods of time in its activity
    • developed a new tool to measure this called CRTC::GFP
      • calcium influx activates calmodulin which phosphorylates CRTC. CRTC then enters and stays in the nucleus for a long time
    • could do experiments of social interactions then take the fly and image activity of neurons later
    • found that DAN in the mushroom body stores the social info and it only seems to care about touch, not vision or olfaction
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    • Mating induced somnolence
    • Ethan Glantz
    • after mating females increase their time sleeping
    • however starved females do not increase their sleep
    • dopamine transporter important for this effect
    • did a huge screen and there is lots of variability in sleep (12hr range)