organizing notes i take just to keep track of things for now
- model organisms for studying insect flight
- hemilineages provide a functional and anatomical classification for neurons in the vnc
muscles involved with flight
flight mechanics
- the thorax mechanically links wings and halteres through oscillations
- flying insects decouple wings from thorax for steering
- wings have synchrony during both initiation and cessation of flight
descending control
- three dopamine neurons in the VNC coordinate wings during flight
- looming stimulus evokes opposite behaviors depending on behavioral state
- looming feature detectors convey visual information to VNC for takeoff response
- neuromodulation of flight
- ascending histamine neurons participate in flight feedback loop
- octopamine activity increases during flight
- coordinated activity of the flight power muscles are critical for flight
examples of flight cessation
- asymmetry and inconsistencies in the connectome - why dvm2 gets little input. right vs left asymmetry